
9 03, 2013

One More Reason to Love Whole Foods

By |2017-11-10T21:05:56-05:00March 9th, 2013|Ayrshire Farm, Bill Couzens, Couzens, Couzens Wililam U Couzens, Detroit Couzens, Dr. Tom Sherman, Environment, Facebook, Farming, Food, Founder Less Cancer, Gary Hirshberg, GMO, GMOs, Increased Incidences of Cancer, John Couzens, justlabelit.org, KC Graham, Labeling, Leadership, Less Cancer, ORGANIC, pediatric obesity, Pesticides, Prevention, seed, Stonyfield Farm, Stormy Stokes Hood, Thomas M Sherman, Thomas M Sherman MD, Tom Sherman MD, Uncategorized, Veronique Pittman, Virginia, Washington DC, William U Couzens, William Ulrich Couzens|

Picture here (l) is Gary Hirshberg, Co-Founder of Stonyfield FarmBill Couzens(c) Founder of Less Cancer and President, Tom Sherman (r) Chairman of the Board of Less Cancer. The Less Cancer Speaker Series this year with Gary Hirshberg was on GMO's and labeling.     Whole Foods announced that by 2018, all products in

13 02, 2013

The War On Cancer Must Lead With Prevention :

By |2017-11-10T21:05:56-05:00February 13th, 2013|Bill Couzens, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Capitol Hill, Carter Wiley, Chemical Companies, Chemo, Colon Cancer, Couzens, Couzens Wililam U Couzens, Detroit, Environment, Erica Wiley, Facebook, Farming, Food, Greg Lam, Hugh Wiley, Increased Incidences of Cancer, Leadership, Less Cancer, Lets Move Campaign, Melanoma, National Cancer Prevention Day, New Hampshire, Portsmouth New Hampshire, Steve Israel, Stormy Stokes Hood, Suzi Tobias, the Goddess of Victory and Peace, Thomas M Sherman, Uncategorized, Veronique Pittman, Virginia, Washington DC, William U Couzens, William Ulrich Couzens|

The Pennsylvania State Memorial is a Gettysburg Battlefield monument commemorating the 34,530 Pennsylvania soldiers "who fought at Gettysburg" The pavilion is the largest monument on the Gettysburg Battlefield. In 1909-10, Samuel Murray created "The Goddess of Victory and Peace" (Athena) from melted-down cannons. Athena is also a shrewd companion of heroes and is the

31 10, 2012


By |2017-11-10T21:05:59-05:00October 31st, 2012|Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Clear Channel, Colon Cancer, Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health, Couzens, Cysco, Detroit, Dr. Tom Sherman, Environment, Facebook, Gary Hirshberg, GMO, Jackson Dawson, John Couzens, Less Cancer, Mackinac Race, Miles O'Brien, More Treated Cancer, Portsmouth New Hampshire, Prevention, Project Runway, Thomas M Sherman, Thomas M Sherman MD, Tom Sherman MD, Twitter, Uncategorized, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (CEO-UPCI), Veronique Pittman, Wendy Pepper, William U Couzens|

  The Less Cancer campaign- program of Next Generation Choices Foundation is pleased to announce the first Move Detroit for Less Cancer to be held December 1,2012 at the Bayview Yacht Club,located at 100 Clairpointe Street Detroit, MI 48215. For nearly a decade, Less Cancer has been at the helm introducing prevention into the cancer

24 08, 2012

Cancer Can’t Break Love

By |2017-11-10T21:06:01-05:00August 24th, 2012|Aileen O'Brien Graef, American Cancer Society, Bill Couzens, boing boing, Cancer, Facebook, lance Armstrong, Less Cancer, Mia Farrow, michael moore, Michigan, Miles O'Brien, Prevention, Twitter, Uncategorized, Xeni Jardin|

 I am conflicted by this heart -wrenching photo taken by life long friend Less Cancer board member - Journalist- Miles O'Brien of his dear sister Aileen. This is not how I want to see my friend Aileen, and yet I am stirred by the story this picture tells.  I am moved by the authenticity of

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