My name is Chris Renouf and I will be riding in the Less Cancer bike ride to Mackinac. I have only been riding for about seven years, but I love it! I am a stage 4 prostate cancer survivor and riding my bike has been a great way for me to stay active and help keep up my strength. It is a challenge because of the medication that I take that seems to zap most of my energy. I have no complaints and feel incredibly lucky that I can continue to be active. I participate on a weekly ride at work and ride in a few charity rides during the year. I’d really like to ride more and plan to do that. I am so thankful that I discovered cycling. I have found that it is also a fantastic stress reliever. Being part of a group ride is a lot of fun and I have found that cycling is a great way to socialize. I also like to do some running but cycling is more fun! In addition to a proper diet, I know staying active is so vitally important to try to beat or even prevent this horrendous disease.
I am really excited to participate in this great event! Bill is an old friend and he asked me to ride last year but I couldn’t make it happen. I promised him I would participate this year and I am so glad to help support him, Ride Leader, Suzi Tobias and this tremendous cause. I wouldn’t miss it. Like everyone, I have friends that have cancer. One friend is now in weekly chemo for liver cancer and another friend is undergoing chemo for prostate cancer. I will think of them and others I know who are battling Cancer while I ride.
Keep rolling! Those wheels are wonderful. They take a cyclist away from the sedentary and into and through places with beautiful views, great breezes and soulful power. Bill does a great job of supporting this great effort and it is inspiring to hear about those he has touched.
Keep riding Chris . We at DogPatch love you and pray for you . I have no great wisdom or advice [ and I know you need none ] . Just keep doing what you’re doing . Steady on the helm , my warrior friend , and I have no doubt you will reach that distant shore . You are my hero and pal for life ….
Ride on ,Chris!!! Very proud of you for always wanting to challenge yourself and never complaining even when I know you aren’t feeling so great!
You have been a true support and inspiration to me as I go through my cancer struggles. I will be forever grateful for your always kind words and your friendship.
Keep pedaling, Chris! As our neighbor and friend, we’ve watched you keep a positive attitude through the toughest times. Your determination in battling cancer is an inspiration to all of us who know and love you. Your grace in continuing to live life is extraordinary, and we celebrate with you that you are doing so well now. Enjoy every minute of the bike trip!
Chris – Hi neighbor. Awesome that you are doing this great ride. I can only hope that the Michigan hills are steep enough to be a challenge for you! Haha. Seriously, have a fun and safe ride and we will look forward to the stories.
You go Chris! Always making us proud! I know you are having a great time!