Join in on the Less Cancer Challenge 300- 300 of anything the month of July! Do it as an individual or as a team!Tobias and friends as they join in on the Less Cancer Challenge 300 the month of July any where and anytime. You can do on your own or get friends and grow your own team.
Join Suzi Tobias who has chosen to ride her bike 300 miles the month of July riding from Port Huron, to Mackinac Island, Michigan during the famed Port Huron-Mackinac Sailboat Race. Tobias starts her ride July 20th from Port Huron Michigan. Yesterday Suzi spent the day training riding 70 miles for Less Cancer! You too can get moving for Less Cancer by visiting the Less Cancer Challenge 300 site on Crowdrise to build your own team! If you want to donate you can also donate here.
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