Brain Cancer

28 08, 2013

Toxic Chemicals and Our Health: What’s the Connection?

By |2017-11-10T21:05:52-05:00August 28th, 2013|Uncategorized|

by Lindsay Dahl, Deputy Director for Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families is a coalition of over 450 public health, environmental, community and parent organizations working to protect American families from toxic chemicals. Lindsal Dahl is the organization's Deputy Director. Agreement is growing across the political spectrum and among scientists, health

22 08, 2013

Cancer….. Its Personal

By |2017-11-10T21:05:53-05:00August 22nd, 2013|Uncategorized|

Cancer is a very personal thing. Seemingly, whenever the subject comes up, someone has a side, a position, an experience. Not just an experience, but a life changing  defining moment in an individual’s life. A disease that for some is not open for discussion, but for many is seemingly the “law” when dealing with or approaching

18 07, 2013

Joining Forces Cyclist Dave Toutant Rides Port Huron- Mackinac For

By |2017-11-10T21:05:53-05:00July 18th, 2013|Uncategorized|

Joining Suzi Tobias will be Dave Toutant, of Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan who along with Tobias will be riding bikes 300 miles from Port Huron, to Mackinac Island, Michigan during the famed Port Huron-Mackinac sailboat race. The bike ride is part of the Less Cancer Challenge 300. Tobias and Toutant start their ride July 20th

12 07, 2013

FDA Proposes New Limits for Arsenic

By |2017-11-10T21:05:53-05:00July 12th, 2013|Uncategorized|

New Limits for Arsenic Proposed by F.D.A. by Sabrina Tavernise in the New York Times Health Section reports that the new standard for arsenic, a carcinogen when consumed in large enough quantities, is 10 parts per billion, equal to the level that the Environmental Protection Agency has set for arsenic in drinking water. Experts said

14 06, 2013

Margaret Cuomo, M.D. Joins Less Cancer’s Board of Directors

By |2017-11-10T21:05:54-05:00June 14th, 2013|A World Without Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Couzens, Dr. Tom Sherman, Huffington Post, John Couzens, Margaret Cuomo, Maryann Donovan PhD, Miles O Brien, National Cancer Prevention Day, Next Generation Choices Foundation, Ron Herberman MD, Ronald B Herberman, Steve Israel, Stormy Stokes Hood, Thomas M Sherman MD|

  Bill Couzens, founder of (Next Generation Choices Foundation), has announced that Margaret I. Cuomo, M.D. is a new board member.   “We are thrilled and honored to have Dr. Cuomo on our board,” says Couzens. “Dr. Cuomo’s reputation as an advocate for the prevention of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes has earned her

9 05, 2013

Redoing Prop 65

By |2017-11-10T21:05:55-05:00May 9th, 2013|Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Chemical Companies, Prop 65, Uncategorized|

Marc Lifsher in the LA TIMES May 8, 2013  writes  Gov. Jerry Brown is proposing an overhaul of California's 26-year-old landmark clean water and anti-toxins law that he said is being misused by "unscrupulous lawyers" filing lawsuits. Brown proposed revisions to limit attorney's fees; requiring plaintiffs to present more information in support of their claims; reconsider levels of

19 04, 2013

May 4th Charlottesville Moves for Less Cancer at The Southern on the Downtown Mall

By |2017-11-10T21:05:55-05:00April 19th, 2013|The Southern, Thomas M Sherman MD, Uncategorized, William U Couzens, William Ulrich Couzens|

    May 4th Charlottesville Moves for Less Cancer at the Southern to the music of LOVE CANON. Charlottesville's popular shops, restaurants and ambience converge in one main area, known as the Downtown Pedestrian Mall. Located, as you would imagine, on Main Street, this thoroughfare also has an impressive collection of art galleries.

28 03, 2013

EPA Announces Chemicals for Risk Assessment in 2013, Focus on Widely Used Flame Retardants

By |2017-11-10T21:05:56-05:00March 28th, 2013|Chemical Companies, EPA, Uncategorized|

WASHINGTON March 28,2013 , U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it will begin assessments on 23 commonly used chemicals, with a specific focus on flame retardant chemicals, in order to more fully understand any potential risks to people’s health and the environment. This effort is part of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Work Plan

18 03, 2013

Free Enterprise. Really ? Or the Invisible Handcuffs of Non-Regulation?

By |2017-11-10T21:05:56-05:00March 18th, 2013|Bert Johnson, Cancer Prevention, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Lawmakers, Leadership, Pepsi, Pesticides, Uncategorized, US CONGRESS, William U Couzens|

Since the inception of Less Cancer we, as an organization, have always believed that if we educate the consumer the markets will shift. And they have. Through Less Cancer social networks, we have been  effective in reaching communities around the globe regarding better choices. We have worked tirelessly to help educate and inform lawmakers and

9 03, 2013

One More Reason to Love Whole Foods

By |2017-11-10T21:05:56-05:00March 9th, 2013|Ayrshire Farm, Bill Couzens, Couzens, Couzens Wililam U Couzens, Detroit Couzens, Dr. Tom Sherman, Environment, Facebook, Farming, Food, Founder Less Cancer, Gary Hirshberg, GMO, GMOs, Increased Incidences of Cancer, John Couzens,, KC Graham, Labeling, Leadership, Less Cancer, ORGANIC, pediatric obesity, Pesticides, Prevention, seed, Stonyfield Farm, Stormy Stokes Hood, Thomas M Sherman, Thomas M Sherman MD, Tom Sherman MD, Uncategorized, Veronique Pittman, Virginia, Washington DC, William U Couzens, William Ulrich Couzens|

Picture here (l) is Gary Hirshberg, Co-Founder of Stonyfield FarmBill Couzens(c) Founder of Less Cancer and President, Tom Sherman (r) Chairman of the Board of Less Cancer. The Less Cancer Speaker Series this year with Gary Hirshberg was on GMO's and labeling.     Whole Foods announced that by 2018, all products in

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