Grace Piku

23 06, 2013

Super Suzi & Friends – Riding for Less Cancer

By |2017-11-10T21:05:54-05:00June 23rd, 2013|Challenge 300, Less Cancer, Miles O'Brien, Next Generation Choices Foundation, obesity, ORGANIC, Uncategorized|

Join in on the Less Cancer Challenge 300- 300 of anything the month of July! Do it as an individual or as a team!Tobias and friends as they join in on the Less Cancer Challenge 300 the month of July any where and anytime.  You can do on your own or get friends and

31 10, 2012


By |2017-11-10T21:05:59-05:00October 31st, 2012|Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Clear Channel, Colon Cancer, Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health, Couzens, Cysco, Detroit, Dr. Tom Sherman, Environment, Facebook, Gary Hirshberg, GMO, Jackson Dawson, John Couzens, Less Cancer, Mackinac Race, Miles O'Brien, More Treated Cancer, Portsmouth New Hampshire, Prevention, Project Runway, Thomas M Sherman, Thomas M Sherman MD, Tom Sherman MD, Twitter, Uncategorized, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (CEO-UPCI), Veronique Pittman, Wendy Pepper, William U Couzens|

  The Less Cancer campaign- program of Next Generation Choices Foundation is pleased to announce the first Move Detroit for Less Cancer to be held December 1,2012 at the Bayview Yacht Club,located at 100 Clairpointe Street Detroit, MI 48215. For nearly a decade, Less Cancer has been at the helm introducing prevention into the cancer

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