Martha Fruehauf Less Cancer advocate provided closing statements for the National Cancer Prevention Day.
Martha Fruehauf who gave closing statements at the briefing for National Cancer Prevention Day is embarking on a 300-mile bicycle ride across the state of Michigan. Kicking-off the challenge, with Suzi Tobias also a Less Cancer advocate (Team Girls on Fire) will be riding their bikes from Port Huron, MI to Mackinac Island, Michigan for part of it during the famed Bayview Yacht Club- Port Huron- Mackinac 2013 Bell’s Beer sail boat race.
The Less Cancer Challenge 300 is an event for everyone everywhere to get out and bike, run, or walk 300 miles during the month of July.
Fruehauf and Tobias invited people to choose the activity (or combination) and location that works for you: “Whether you’re riding in Topeka, running in Rochester, or walking in a mall, you have 31days to complete 300 miles. The important thing is that you get moving. So get out the cyclometers and pedometers—and log your miles for July!”
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