
7 02, 2013

Congressman Israel Introduces Resolution for National Cancer Prevention Day: Less Cancer Founder, Bill Couzens Speaks at Briefing

By |2017-11-10T21:05:57-05:00February 7th, 2013|Agent Orange, Bill Couzens, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Chemical Companies, Chemo, Detroit Couzens, Dr. Tom Sherman, Founder Less Cancer, Gary Hirshberg, GMO, GMOs, Lawmakers, Leadership, Less Cancer, Lets Move Campaign, Martha Fruehauf, Maryann Donovan PhD, McDonalds, Michigan, MIddleburg, Middleburg Virginia, Miles O'Brien, More Treated Cancer, Move Detroit, Nancy Stiles, New Hampshire, New York, obesity, ORGANIC, pediatric obesity, Pepsi, Pesticides, Ph.D, Phillp Morris, Portsmouth New Hampshire, Prevention, Stormy Stokes Hood, Suzi Tobias, The Nanny, Thomas M Sherman, Tom Sherman MD, Toxins, TV, Twitter, US CAPITOL, US CONGRESS, Veronique Pittman, Virginia, Washington DC, William U Couzens, William Ulrich Couzens|

Less Cancer Board Members Veronique Pittman (L) Less Cancer Founder Bill Couzens and Less Cancer Board Member Stormy Stokes Hood.(R) Washington, DC   National Cancer Prevention Day, February 4th, 2013, serves to remind people that when looking at cancer they need to look at prevention and reducing risks for human health and the

27 10, 2012

Gary Hirshberg -GMO’s and Labeling – Portsmouth, New Hampshire (Video)

By |2017-11-10T21:05:59-05:00October 27th, 2012|Asthma, Bill Couzens, Capitol Hill, Chemical Companies, Chemo, Clear Channel, Climate Change, Colon Cancer, Founder Less Cancer, Gary Hirshberg, GMO, GMOs, Labeling, Portsmouth New Hampshire, Stonyfield Farm, US CONGRESS, Virginia, William U Couzens|

  Gary Hirshberg, Co-Founder and Chairman of Stonyfield Farm spoke for Less Cancer in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Gary Hirshberg who spoke for Less Cancer in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on GMO's and labeling. See video here VIDEO Introductions opened with Less Cancer board Chairman Tom Sherman, MD introducing  board member and award winning journalist Miles

19 09, 2012

The Pill -Excerpt From Cancer Schmancer by Fran Drescher

By |2017-11-10T21:06:00-05:00September 19th, 2012|Cancer, Cancer Schmancer, Chemical Companies, Chemo, Couzens, Fran Drescher, Less Cancer|

I remember Elaine had spent a year complaining about leg pain before being dianosed with a blocked artery by a vascular doctor. Until that point she'd been told she needed back surgery for a compressed disc.  Her fear of surgery kept her searching for another diagnosis, though, and she eventually found her way to Mind Over

24 08, 2012

Cancer Can’t Break Love

By |2017-11-10T21:06:01-05:00August 24th, 2012|Aileen O'Brien Graef, American Cancer Society, Bill Couzens, boing boing, Cancer, Facebook, lance Armstrong, Less Cancer, Mia Farrow, michael moore, Michigan, Miles O'Brien, Prevention, Twitter, Uncategorized, Xeni Jardin|

 I am conflicted by this heart -wrenching photo taken by life long friend Less Cancer board member - Journalist- Miles O'Brien of his dear sister Aileen. This is not how I want to see my friend Aileen, and yet I am stirred by the story this picture tells.  I am moved by the authenticity of

1 04, 2012

Foxcroft School -Less Cancer Walkathon

By |2017-11-10T21:07:03-05:00April 1st, 2012|Uncategorized|

Bill Couzens Founder Less Cancer Foxcroft School Walk-A-Thon Benefiting Less Cancer was Friday, March 30. Walkers, runners and cyclists participated in the five-mile trek, which started at Brick House on the campus of the Middleburg, Virginia school. Participants were asked to wear green the Less Cancer color for prevention. SEE LINK HERE .

23 03, 2012

Foxcroft School Middleburg, Virginia Junior Class Walkathon To Benefit Less Cancer – March 30,2012

By |2017-11-10T21:07:03-05:00March 23rd, 2012|Uncategorized|

Individuals may also sponsor participants or make a donation. Tax-deductible contributions of any size are appreciated and may be mailed to Foxcroft School Junior Class Walkathon 2012; Foxcroft School; P.O. Box 5555; Middleburg, VA 20118. They may also be given to members of the Class of 2012. Please make checks out to the Foxcroft School

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