Founder Less Cancer

9 03, 2013

One More Reason to Love Whole Foods

By |2017-11-10T21:05:56-05:00March 9th, 2013|Ayrshire Farm, Bill Couzens, Couzens, Couzens Wililam U Couzens, Detroit Couzens, Dr. Tom Sherman, Environment, Facebook, Farming, Food, Founder Less Cancer, Gary Hirshberg, GMO, GMOs, Increased Incidences of Cancer, John Couzens,, KC Graham, Labeling, Leadership, Less Cancer, ORGANIC, pediatric obesity, Pesticides, Prevention, seed, Stonyfield Farm, Stormy Stokes Hood, Thomas M Sherman, Thomas M Sherman MD, Tom Sherman MD, Uncategorized, Veronique Pittman, Virginia, Washington DC, William U Couzens, William Ulrich Couzens|

Picture here (l) is Gary Hirshberg, Co-Founder of Stonyfield FarmBill Couzens(c) Founder of Less Cancer and President, Tom Sherman (r) Chairman of the Board of Less Cancer. The Less Cancer Speaker Series this year with Gary Hirshberg was on GMO's and labeling.     Whole Foods announced that by 2018, all products in

8 02, 2013

Suzi Tobias, Less Cancer Advocate – Speaks On Prevention Capitol Hill -National Cancer Prevention Day

By |2017-11-10T21:05:57-05:00February 8th, 2013|Aileen O'Brien Graef, Bill Couzens, Capitol Hill, Couzens, Couzens Couzens, Detroit, Erica Wiley, Farming, Food, Founder Less Cancer, GMO, Greg Lam, Grosse Pointe, Hugh Wiley, Increased Incidences of Cancer, Jill Vogel, Lawmakers, Leadership, Martha Fruehauf, Maryann Donovan, Michigan, Miles O'Brien, More Treated Cancer, Move Detroit, National Cancer Prevention Day, New Hampshire, New York, Prevention, Ron Herberman MD, Ronald B Herberman, Rye, Senator Jill Vogel, State Senator Bert Johnson, Steve Israel, Stormy Stokes Hood, Suzi Tobias, Tom Sherman MD, Toxins, Twitter, Uncategorized, Veronique Pittman, Virginia, William U Couzens, William Ulrich Couzens|

Suzi Tobias (l) with her friends daughter Aileen Graef (r). Tobias spoke in the Capitol for prevention National Cancer Prevention Day and of the loss of her friend from cancer Aileen O'Brien.   It’s an honor and a pleasure for me to speak to you today.  Thank you for being here.  Thank you

7 02, 2013

Congressman Israel Introduces Resolution for National Cancer Prevention Day: Less Cancer Founder, Bill Couzens Speaks at Briefing

By |2017-11-10T21:05:57-05:00February 7th, 2013|Agent Orange, Bill Couzens, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Chemical Companies, Chemo, Detroit Couzens, Dr. Tom Sherman, Founder Less Cancer, Gary Hirshberg, GMO, GMOs, Lawmakers, Leadership, Less Cancer, Lets Move Campaign, Martha Fruehauf, Maryann Donovan PhD, McDonalds, Michigan, MIddleburg, Middleburg Virginia, Miles O'Brien, More Treated Cancer, Move Detroit, Nancy Stiles, New Hampshire, New York, obesity, ORGANIC, pediatric obesity, Pepsi, Pesticides, Ph.D, Phillp Morris, Portsmouth New Hampshire, Prevention, Stormy Stokes Hood, Suzi Tobias, The Nanny, Thomas M Sherman, Tom Sherman MD, Toxins, TV, Twitter, US CAPITOL, US CONGRESS, Veronique Pittman, Virginia, Washington DC, William U Couzens, William Ulrich Couzens|

Less Cancer Board Members Veronique Pittman (L) Less Cancer Founder Bill Couzens and Less Cancer Board Member Stormy Stokes Hood.(R) Washington, DC   National Cancer Prevention Day, February 4th, 2013, serves to remind people that when looking at cancer they need to look at prevention and reducing risks for human health and the

7 01, 2013

Come on Pepsi- Take the Less Cancer Challenge !

By |2017-11-10T21:05:58-05:00January 7th, 2013|Beyonce, Bill Couzens, Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Capitol Hill, Chemo, Coca-Cola, Coke, Couzens, Couzens Couzens, Couzens Wililam U Couzens, Detroit Couzens, Dunk the Junk, Environment, Farming, Food, Founder Less Cancer, GMO, GMOs, Huffington Post, Kentucky Fried Chicken, KFC, Lawmakers, Leadership, Less Cancer, Lets Move Campaign, McDonalds, Move Detroit, Move Detroit for Less Cancer, obesity, pediatric obesity, Pepsi, Pesticides, Prevention, Sprite, Sprite Zero, sugar, Uncategorized, Wayne State University, William U Couzens|

Bill Couzens, Founder Less Cancer - Commentary   When I first heard the news of Beyonce locking arms with Pepsi for 50 million I thought: is that the same Beyonce who was partnered in the superhero combo with First Lady, Michelle Obama battling obesity with Mrs. Obama's “Lets Move Campaign?” I am a fan of both the First Lady and Beyonce for addressing the obesity

7 11, 2012

Concerned About GMO’s and Labeling ? Watch Less Cancer Video With Gary Hirshberg Co-Founder and Chairman of Stonyfield Farm.

By |2017-11-10T21:05:59-05:00November 7th, 2012|Agent Orange, Bill, boing boing, Cancer Prevention, Capitol Hill, Chemical Companies, Chemo, Couzens, Couzens Couzens, Couzens Wililam U Couzens, Detroit Athletic Club, Detroit Couzens, Dr. Tom Sherman, Environment, Founder Less Cancer, Gary Hirshberg, GMO, GMOs, Grosse Pointe, Labeling, Leadership, Less Cancer, Miles O'Brien, More Treated Cancer, ORGANIC, Pesticides, Prevention, Ronald B Herberman, Rye, Stonyfield Farm, Stormy Stokes Hood, Thomas M Sherman, Tom Sherman, Tom Sherman MD, Twitter, Uncategorized, Veronique Pittman, William U Couzens, William Ulrich Couzens|

27 10, 2012

Gary Hirshberg -GMO’s and Labeling – Portsmouth, New Hampshire (Video)

By |2017-11-10T21:05:59-05:00October 27th, 2012|Asthma, Bill Couzens, Capitol Hill, Chemical Companies, Chemo, Clear Channel, Climate Change, Colon Cancer, Founder Less Cancer, Gary Hirshberg, GMO, GMOs, Labeling, Portsmouth New Hampshire, Stonyfield Farm, US CONGRESS, Virginia, William U Couzens|

  Gary Hirshberg, Co-Founder and Chairman of Stonyfield Farm spoke for Less Cancer in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Gary Hirshberg who spoke for Less Cancer in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on GMO's and labeling. See video here VIDEO Introductions opened with Less Cancer board Chairman Tom Sherman, MD introducing  board member and award winning journalist Miles

16 10, 2012

Gary Hirshberg to Speak For Less Cancer-Thursday, October 18, 2012 , Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

By |2017-11-10T21:06:00-05:00October 16th, 2012|Bill Couzens, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Cancer Schmancer, Capitol Hill, Center for Environmental Oncology, Clear Channel, Climate Change, Detroit, Dr. Tom Sherman, Environment, Food, Founder Less Cancer, Gary Hirshberg, GMOs, Greg Lam, HUman Health, Increased Incidences of Cancer, John Couzens, Labeling, Lawmakers, Leadership, Less Cancer, Maryann Donovan, Maryann Donovan PhD, Miles O'Brien, More Treated Cancer, Music Hall Loft, New Hampshire, ORGANIC, Ronald B Herberman, Stonyfield Farm, Stormy Stokes Hood, Thomas M Sherman, Thomas M Sherman MD, Tom Sherman, Tom Sherman MD, Toxins, US CONGRESS, Veronique Pittman, William U Couzens|

Gary Hirshberg, Co-Founder Chairman of Stonyfield Farm Gary Hirshberg, Co-Founder and Chariman of Stonyfield Farm,will be speaking for Less Cancer a campaign of Next Generation Choices Foundation on Thursday, October 18, 2012 the Music Hall Loft at 131 Congress Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The event starts at 5:30pm please email info(at)lesscancer(dot)org for more

24 09, 2012

Cancer Gets Under My Skin, I Can Taste It, I Can Smell it

By |2017-11-10T21:06:00-05:00September 24th, 2012|American Cancer Society, boing boing, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Cancer Schmancer, Center for Environmental Oncology, Chemical Companies, Chemo, Choose you, Coca-Cola, Coke, Colon Cancer, Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health, Couzens, Founder Less Cancer, Frank Couzens lll, Funeral, Less Cancer, MD, Miles O'Brien, ORGANIC, Prevention, Uncategorized, Xeni Jardin|

Less Cancer Founder Bill Couzens, Brother Frank and Sister Anne Couzens   This week I have tried to wash the cancer away. I have showered time and time again, scrubbing my skin hoping the events of last week are all a bad dream never to return. But its not, Cancer has once again

22 09, 2012

Frank Couzens III

By |2017-11-10T21:06:00-05:00September 22nd, 2012|Bill Couzens, Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Chemo, Colon Cancer, Couzens, DAC, Detroit, Detroit Athletic Club, Founder Less Cancer, Frank Couzens Jr, Frank Couzens lll, Funeral, Jackson Dawson, Joan Couzens, Mackinac Race, Memorial Service, MIddleburg, Middleburg Virginia, ORGANIC, Radiation, Uncategorized|

Grosse Pointe Farms and Harbor Springs, Michigan resident Frank Couzens III, 57, passed away Wednesday, September 19, 2012, surrounded by his family and friends. Frank, whose career began in advertising, was Senior Vice President of Marketing for Jackson Dawson Communications.  He was respected and appreciated by team members throughout Jackson Dawson and Ford Motor Company alike, for his

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